Juan Manuel Arboleda

Constitutional Law, Public Policies, Social Security in Health and Citizen Participation
Juan Manuel Arboleda Arciniegas is Founding Partner of LH Law & Consulting, Director of the Constitutional Law and Social Security Practice Areas of LH Law & Consulting.
Lawyer from Universidad Sergio Arboleda, with a Master's Degree in Political Science and Political Action. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Science and Philosophy at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has more than 14 years of professional experience. He acted for six years as Advisor to the Legal Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia, as well as Advisor to the Technical-Legislative Units of the former President of the Republic and current Senator, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, and of the Representative to the House of Representatives, Margarita María Restrepo Arango.
He was also a lawyer at the firm Campo Cabal Abogados Asociados of Madrid, Spain; Legal Advisor of the Notary Office 18 of Bogotá; and Councilman of the Local Administrative Board of Chapinero, in Bogotá. He has taken several courses in Telegenia; Urban Social Policies; Political Studies and Analysis; Auditing Techniques, Administrative Law, among others. He has also authored publications on political and legal matters.
Work Experience
LH Law & Consulting
Founding Partner - Director of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Social Security Practice Areas.
From: 2017
To: current
Ministry of Labor
Legal advisor - provision of professional services to the Division of Employment Generation and Protection and Family Allowance.
From: 2019
To: 2022
House of Representatives
Technical Legislative Unit Advisor
From: 2016
To: 2018
Senate of the Republic
Technical Legislative Unit Advisor
From: 2014
To: 2016
Administrative Department of the Office of the President of the Republic of Colombia - Legal Secretariat
Legal counsel.
From: 2008
To: 2014
Jean François Revel Foundation
Founder and General Secretary.
From: 2006
To: 2008
Campo Cabal Abogados Asociados (Madrid, Spain)
Legal Counsel.
From: 2007
To: 2008
Junta Administradora Local - Chapinero, Bogotá.
Aedil, elected office
From: 2002
To: 2003
Notary Office 18 of Bogota
Legal Counsel.
From: 2000
To: 2002
- Author and editor of the documents "Cartillas de la Libertad" - 1) "Mentiras al Desnudo, ¿Estás Dispuesto a Creértelas?" Madrid, 2007; 2) "Verdades que nos ocultan" Madrid, 2007. Authors and editors: Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, Juan Manuel Arboleda and Guillermo Hirschfeld. Papers sponsored and published by the Cato Institute and the Fundación para la Investigación y los Estudios Liberales -FIEL- Madrid, Spain, 2007.
- Collaborator in the preparation of the document "Latin America: An Agenda for Freedom". Publisher: Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales FAES, 2007.
- Collaborator in the elaboration of the document "Guía para la Reagrupación Familiar en las Parejas de Hecho Españoles y Demás Demás Ciudadanos de la Unión Europea". Editors: Professors of the European University of Madrid, Spain: Aranzázu Fátima; Roldán Martínez, Lidia; Blesa, Susana; San Cristóbal Reales, Maria Remedios; Vián, Lorenzo; Campo Cabal, Juan Manuel; Dávara Fernández de Marcos, Miguel Ángel; and Herreros López, Juan Manuel.
Academic Background
PhD. Candidate in Science and Philosophy
Complutense University of Madrid.
Year of Graduation: in progress
Master's Degree in Political Action and Citizen Participation in the Rule of Law
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid - Universidad Francisco de Vitoria - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Year of Graduation: 2005
Master's Degree in Applied Political Studies
International Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP).
Year of Graduation: 2004
Sergio Arboleda University
Year of Graduation: 2003
Other Studies
Audit Techniques and Management Indicators Integrated Model (MECI-GP1000) ICONTEC INTERNATIONAL.
Grade: Auditor, 2009.
FAES Campus. Political studies and analysis. Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2009.
Telegenia, Spanish Popular Party.
Madrid, Spain, 2006.
XVI Ibero-American Municipal Training Program.
Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities - Urban Social Policies Module - Madrid, Spain, 2002.
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St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Equilibre Consultants
Bogotá, Colombia