Humane-Biz Sponsor Companies or Organizations

Stand out as a Company, Association or Sponsor Organization promoting human rights respect by your suppliers or affiliates, for a basic investment of only USD $999!

Demonstrate your commitment to social sustainability and human rights respect, gaining an enormous reputational benefits, all while extensively managing the very high association risks found within your value chain.

Why did we create the Humane-Biz Sponsor Company Program?

Increasingly, national and international regulations are requiring companies to carry out strict human rights due diligence processes, not only evaluating their own operations, but also those of companies within their value chain and, in general, of all their business partners.


This represents a major challenge for multinational, U.S., European, and other large companies located around the world, as managing risks within their value chains represents a major challenge. Therefore, the management of companies at best is reduced to identifying the main human rights risks within their value chains, providing risk management and remediation training to their strategic suppliers, and including contractual clauses requiring rights-compliant behavior.


However, if for large corporations implementing human rights due diligence processes proves to be a challenging experience, one requiring extensive external consulting services or dedicated expert areas in most cases, the challenge for SMEs and Suppliers in regions such as Latin America is even greater. With a one-day training, it is virtually impossible for a company of any size to implement an adequate human rights due diligence process and to properly put risk management processes in place. Companies unable to implement these processes are often withdrawn as suppliers, or their performance may generate associated value chain risks and threaten their own subsistence, not to mention the serious adverse human rights impacts that may be caused to their stakeholders. 

That is why we created Humane-Biz!

With Humane-Biz, companies, organizations or associations enroll in our program as a Sponsor Company, and together with us and for a very low basic cost, they support the inclusion of their suppliers and business partners in the Humane-Biz SME and Supplier Program.


Humane-Biz will then train them in a workshop whose cost is already included in the Program, educating them on what Human Rights Due Diligence is and what is its importance, and will empower them with essential tools to identify and begin the journey of human rights impact risk management. The workshop will also emphasize the importance for the Sponsor Company that its suppliers carry out human rights due diligence processes, since only in this manner will it be possible to adequately manage the human rights value chain associated adverse impact risks. 


Through its SME Program and technological platform, Humane-Biz will then provide specialized consulting and advisory services for SMEs and Suppliers, with dedicated sections for each main economic sector, at very affordable pricing and with tools easy to understand and implement, designed hand in hand with Latin American SMEs in the manufacturing, mining and agroindustry sectors that served as pilot companies for the creation of our Program. 

Why is this important?

What international standards and international regulations will your company comply with by becoming part of the Humane-Biz Sponsor Program?

With this, the Sponsor Company will not only comply with regulatory requirements such as the European Union Directive, which requires that risks within value chains be assessed and managed, and support SMEs and suppliers in the chain to implement their own risk management processes.


Companies will also benefit from being able to obtain a complete risk mapping of companies in their chain, through results obtained in the Impact Assessment Phase by their SMEs and sponsored suppliers. It is necessary to clarify that we will not reveal to the Sponsor Company to which supplier each risk belongs, since all our clients, including SMEs, hold a confidentiality commitment from Humane-Biz. However, Sponsor Companies will obtain a complete list of the risks identified within their chain, including the most frequent and salient ones, in order to allow them to advance strategies aimed at mitigating and preventing these risks within their chain in a precise and targeted manner.


Finally, the Sponsor Company will obtain a list of supplier companies that obtain the Humane-Biz Human Rights Company Emblem, in order to comply with the United Nations Guiding Principle that requires companies to assess the human rights performance of their business partners while evaluating the conditions and permanence of their business relationships.

Explore each of the steps for becoming a Humane-Biz Sponsor Company.

Humane-Biz Sponsorship Program Steps

Register as a Humane-Biz Sponsor Company

Learn about the prices, process steps and benefits of belonging to the Humane-Biz Sponsorship Program. Read more.

Together with Humane-Biz, let's convene our HR Induction Workshop for SMEs and Suppliers.

The objective of the first step is to inform all suppliers, affiliates or business partners about the company's enrollment in the Program and to invite them to attend the Induction Workshop. See more.

Obtain an accurate Impact Assessment with risks identified within your value chain.

Humane-Biz provides its Sponsor Companies with one of the most powerful tools in the market to meet the enormous challenge of accurately identifying the risks of adverse human rights impacts within their value chains, a requirement of a growing number of global regulations. Read more.

Obtain your Humane-Biz Human Rights Sponsor Company Emblem.

Obtain your Humane-Biz Human Rights Sponsor Company Emblem to use for the duration of its yearly validity on your websites, networks and products, demonstrating your status as a human rights promoter. Or join our Elite Sponsor Company Program, and earn your Gold, Silver or Bronze Elite Emblem. See more.

Decide as a Sponsor whether you wish to support the companies within your chain to become Humane-Biz SMEs and Suppliers.

Earn the Gold, Silver or Bronze Humane-Biz Elite Sponsor Emblem

Obtain the Elite Sponsor Emblem to demonstrate your commitment to promoting respect for human rights in your value chain by supporting your suppliers to pay for the investment of becoming Humane-Biz SMEs/Suppliers, at the percentage your company wishes.

Learn more about our Program for SMEs and Suppliers

Learn more about the Program we will be offering to SMEs and other companies within your company's value chain, including the content, aims and objectives of the Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop.

Humane-Biz is brought to you by:

LH Law & Consulting LLC

7901 4th St. N STE 11494

St. Petersburg, FL 33702



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Equilibre Consultants

Bogotá, Colombia


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