"Induction Workshop on HR Due Diligence for SMEs and Suppliers" Invitation
What does this stage of the Sponsor Program consist of?
The objective of the first step is to inform all suppliers and affiliates, especially SMEs, of the registration of the company or organization as a Humane-Biz Human Rights Sponsor. With this, all suppliers, affiliates, customers, and/or business partners will be invited to attend the Induction Workshop on Human Rights Due Diligence for Suppliers (or affiliates, SMEs, customers), in which they will be educated on what Due Diligence is about, the importance of the process, and the consequences of adversely impacting rights both for themselves and for their business partners, including legal and reputational risks, and the maintenance of their favorable continuing condition as suppliers.
The Induction Workshop is, in itself, a measure to mitigate and/or prevent risks of adverse human rights impacts in the value chain, since it provides attendees with knowledge on how to identify and implement actions directed towards their own risk prevention or mitigation, thus supporting the company in mitigating its risks arising from association in the chain.
In addition, attendees will learn about the Humane-Biz SME and Supplier Program and the benefits for them and their buyers of conducting their human rights due diligence processes in accordance with core international standards.
Under what modality will the Induction Workshop be offered?
The induction workshop has a duration of 2 hours, and will be delivered virtually or in personat the facilities designated for this purpose by the Sponsor Company for an additional logistics subsidizing cost, if present. The modality may also be mixed, being dictated in person with live transmission through virtual platforms for those who do not have the possibility of attending the event.
Likewise, there is also the possibility of attending the course in other cities as long as the Company wishes to cover the additional logistical costs involved.
What material will be covered in the Induction Workshop?
Visit our Human Rights Due Diligence page on the Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop to learn more about the material we will be covering at the Workshop.
Humane-Biz is brought to you by:

LH Law & Consulting LLC
7901 4th St. N STE 11494
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Equilibre Consultants
Bogotá, Colombia