Humane-Biz SME and Suppliers Program

Increasingly, global buyers, banks, workers and other stakeholders demand that SMEs and suppliers in general demonstrate their respect for human rights. Due to the increasing implementation of international standards, buyer companies worldwide are required to ensure that their suppliers comply with this respect, or else their status and continuity as suppliers may be affected.


Therefore, demonstrating respect for human rights increases your competitiveness.  This is why demonstrating respect for human rights increases your competitiveness, giving you an advantage over competitors that do not yet have it, securing your status as a supplier, opening up access to new markets and financing possibilities by reducing the risk of contagion from adverse impacts on your rights as a supplier.


However, until the creation of Humane-Biz, there was no consulting solution specifically aimed at SMEs and suppliers in human rights due diligence.


With more than 5 years of experience advising major companies in Latin America, the United States and Europe on human rights due diligence according to the standards of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines and Guides, LH Law & Consulting and Equilibre Consultores bring you this program at very affordable prices  thanks to its technological platform, created to provide advisory services to SMEs which enables them to demonstrate to all their stakeholders respect for human rights according to the highest international standards.


If you are a large company located anywhere in the world that is just getting started on the road of human rights due diligence, don't worry, we also have options for you, either within our Humane-Biz SME and Supplier Program, or customized consulting services in compliance with the highest international standards.

Humane-Biz SMEs and Suppliers Video Demo Program

Watch here our video demonstration on how the Humane-Biz SME and Supplier Program works through our exclusive Business Portal. 

Explore the steps to become a Humane-Biz SME or Supplier Company.

Steps of the Humane-Biz Program for SMEs and Suppliers

Attend our HR Induction Workshop for SMEs and Suppliers.


Attendance to the workshop is totally free for SMEs and Suppliers, provided by their Sponsor Company and by Humane-Biz. Read more. 

Register as a Humane-Biz Company

Our technology platform allows registration for Humane-Biz Companies at highly affordable prices for SMEs and suppliers in regions such as Latin America. Read more.

Implement your Human Rights Due Diligence Process

We will guide you step-by-step in the implementation of your Due Diligence Process using explanatory documents, training videos, and virtual Q&A sessions, among others. Read more.

Obtain your Humane-Biz Human Rights Committed Company Emblem.

Once we have verified compliance with all the steps of the Due Diligence Process, you will obtain your Emblem, which will be valid for one year and can be used on your networks and products. Your Sponsor Company will obtain information on the achievement of the Emblem by their suppliers. Read more.

How does the Humane-Biz SME and Suppliers Program work?

Learn more here.

Meet our Pilot SME Companies

Our SME Project Pilot Companies, belonging to key economic sectors for Latin America and the United States, and part of supply chains of companies and large retailers in Colombia, the United States and Europe, are a fundamental part of this Humane-Biz project. They help us build our due diligence tools for SMEs and Suppliers, allowing us to ensure that they are easy to understand and implement, and useful for companies like them. Thus, our Program counts with tools that are constantly updated as a result of continuous improvement that arises from the experience of our clients in their implementation processes. 

Food Sector
Agriculture and Livestock Sector
Textile Sector
Mining Sector
Agribusiness Sector
Demonstrate your commitment to respect human rights.

Become a Humane-Biz SME / Supplier!

Humane-Biz is brought to you by:

LH Law & Consulting LLC

7901 4th St. N STE 11494

St. Petersburg, FL 33702



[email protected]

Equilibre Consultants

Bogotá, Colombia


[email protected]