José Fernando Gómez Rojas

Human Rights, Sustainability
Jose is a lawyer from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) with a Master's Degree in Development Studies and a Graduate Degree in Human Rights and Social Justice from the International Institute of Social Studies (The Hague, The Netherlands), and a Graduate Degree in Analysis and Resolution of Armed Conflicts from Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá). He is certified in GRI G4 methodology for corporate sustainability.
Currently, he is a founding partner of Equilibre Consultores, a boutique firm that provides advisory and consulting services to the business sector, public sector and third sector in human rights due diligence and corporate sustainability, holding collaboration agreements with important law and consulting firms such as Brigard & Urrutia, BDO Colombia and Espíndola International Consultants.
He is a lecturer on Business and Human Rights in the Master's Degree in Labor Law at the Law School of the Universidad Javeriana and the Diploma "Business and Human Rights: Strategies to improve environmental, social and governance performance" of Tirant Lo Blanc and the Universidad Javeriana, as well as the Diploma in Corporate Sustainability of the Universidad EAN and BDO Colombia.
He has extensive experience in alliance management, corporate sustainability, business and human rights, reparations for corruption, transitional justice, just transitions and responsible business conduct, and has been a speaker at conferences, seminars, forums, webinars and other events in his area of expertise.
Work Experience
Equilibre Consultores SAS
Founding Partner - Business and Human Rights and Corporate Sustainability Consulting Firm.
From: 2019
To: current
Regional Center for Responsible Business and Entrepreneurship - CREER (Institute for Business and Human Rights - IHRB)
Strategy Director - Researcher.
From: 2020
To: current
National Federation of Departments - FND
Advisor on Responsible Business Conduct and Sustainable Development.
From: 2018
To: 2022
DAI and National Inspector General's Office
National Consultant for the Elaboration of the Guide for Preventive Action for the Municipal Ombudsman's Office.
From: 2022
To: 2022
International Development Law Organization - IDLO and Superior Council of the Judiciary
Consultant for the Elaboration of the Needs Assessment of the Judicial Branch in Colombia.
From: 2021
To: 2022
Transparency for Colombia
Consultant Leader of the Reparation Line for Victims of Corruption.
From: 2018
To: 2022
City of Cali Mayor's Office
Advisor to the Mayor of Cali in leading the adoption of the Roadmap on Business and Human Rights for Santiago de Cali.
From: 2017
To: 2019
Empresa de Energía de Bogotá, ESP
Manager of Sustainable Development and Integrated Management Systems.
From: 2014
To: 2016
Inspector General's Office
Grade 25 Advisor - Office of the Inspector General - Coordinator of the project "Formulation of a Protocol for Preventive Action on Business and Human Rights" and co-author of Directive 001 of 2014.
From: 2011
To: 2014
Senate of the Republic of Colombia - CSR Private Consulting
Co-director of the Presidency of the Senate's project "The Law as a Tool for Inclusive Development"
From: 2010
To: 2011
Fundación Ideas para la Paz - FIP
Researcher in the Business and Conflict Area.
From: 2010
To: 2010
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Advisor to the Division of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.
From: 2007
To: 2008
Fundación Social
Legal Advisor to the Human Rights and Peace Division for the design and promotion of the Reintegration Route for Young People Disengaged from Illegal Armed Groups.
From: 2006
To: 2007
Teaching and Academic Experience
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Tirant Lo Blanc, independent title
Diploma "Business and Human Rights: Strategies to Improve Environmental, Social and Governance Performance".
2023 - current
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Faculty of Law
Master's Degree in Labor Law
Professor of the seminar "Business and Human Rights".
2019 - current
EAN University - BDO Colombia
Graduate Diploma Course on "Corporate Sustainability".
Main Professor.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Diploma "Routes and Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution around Fisheries in the Colombian Pacific".
Main Professor
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Universidad del Rosario - United Nations Office for Human Rights.
Member of the academic team for the elaboration of the First National Baseline on Business and Human Rights.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Direction of Continuing Education
Professor of "National Security, Intelligence, Strategy and Human Rights".
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility, Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA)
Main Professor - "Business and Human Rights" Module
Sergio Arboleda University
School of Law and School of Engineering, Fifth Semester
Subject Professor "Political System and International and National Environmental Legal Regime".
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Faculty of Law
Subject Professor "Sociology of Law".
- "Latin American Experiences on Business and Human Rights Remedies," Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Gloabl Business and Human Rights Scholars Association, Latin America (2022). See s/%C3%BAltimas-noticias/experiencias-latinoamericanas-sobre-reparaci%C3%B3n-en-materia-de-empresas-y-derechos-humanos/
"Teaching Note: Business and Peacebuilding", document prepared in conjunction with the Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, as a contribution to the "Teaching Business and Human Rights Forum". See sources/teaching-bhr-handbook/teaching-notes/business-and-peacebuilding/
- "Análisis, sistematización y comparación de los mecanismos de acceso a reclamo en la región andina", research document on the mining sector in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia, prepared by the Centro Regional de Empresas y Emprendimientos Responsables (CREER), under an agreement with GIZ (February, 2021). See
- "Principios Sustantivos y Operativos de la Debida Diligencia en Derechos Humanos", document prepared by the Centro Regional de Empresas y Emprendimientos Responsables (CREER), in development of agreement with GIZ, for the Defensoría del Pueblo, ISBN 9789585274518, Bogotá, Colombia (August 2020). See
"Retos y desafíos de las empresas y derechos humanos: Memorias Foro", panel contribution for "Retos y desafíos de la política de empresas y derechos humanos en las distintas regiones colombianas". Authors Olarte Bácares, Diana Carolina, editor, author/academic editors, Diana Carolina Olarte Bácares, Catalina Irisarri Boada, Laura Arenas Peralte: authors Luis Fernando Álvarez Londoño, S.J. [and thirty-one others]. - First edition. - Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana : Grupo Editorial Ibáñez, 2019. (Colección estudios no. 13).
Among others.
Academic Background
International Institute of Social Studies - Erasmus University
Master of Arts (MA) in Development Studies.
Graduate Degree in Human Rights and Social Justice.
Year of Graduation: 2009
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Year of Graduation: 2004
Universidad de Los Andes
Graduate Degree in Analysis and Perspectives in Armed Conflict Resolution.
Year of Graduation: 2007
Other Studies
Immersion in Colombia for the country's Next Leaders.
Centro de Liderazgo del Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración (CESA) and La Silla Vacía, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, 2022.
Gendered Intersections: Conflict Transformation, Peace Settlements and Social Justice in Latin America.
International Institute of Social Studies - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, 2016.
Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy.
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - Coursera, 2016.
Global Reporting Initiative - GRI Certified Training Program, G4 Guidelines.
Vincular - Idearse, 2015.
Integrated Management Systems and their Audit.
Bureau Veritas Business School, 2015.
Intensive Course on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Latin America in a Global Context.
Global School and Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia2013.
First High Level Course on International Humanitarian Law "Augusto Ramírez Ocampo".
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia and ICRC, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, 2012.
Mine Action Derivative Liability Training Course.
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Switzerland, 2011.
Significant Achievements in the Field
Between 2017 and 2019, he led the adoption of the first line of public policy at the municipal level in Latin America on Business and Human Rights: the "Roadmap on Business and Human Rights in Santiago de Cali", as a leading advisor to the Mayor's Office of Cali, a process in which 19 business actors participated and voluntarily adhered: ANDI Valle del Cauca, ACOPI Valle, ACRIP Valle, Cámara Colombiana de la Infraestructura-Suroccidente, Colombina, Riopaila Castilla, Carvajal Empaques, Hoteles Spiwak, Calzatodo, Plasticaucho, Reckitt Benckiser, Ingredion, Fortox S.A., Colgate Palmolive, Emcali, EMRU, Metro Cali, Fundación Valle del Lili (See
- In 2022, using as good practice guidance the multi-stakeholder experience of Santiago de Cali (2017-2019), led the adoption of the first three Business and Human Rights action plans at the departmental level in Colombia, as lead consultant in the National Federation of Departments. After a process of more than two years, the Governorships of Antioquia, Cundinamarca and Valle del Cauca, respectively, adopted such action plans, which will be implemented as of 2023. This good practice led to the creation of ATRAE (Alianza Territorios Responsables América y Europa), a platform for formulating public policies on business and human rights, which includes regional governments from Colombia, Argentina, Spain and Peru.
- In 2020, as a CREER researcher, he led the formulation of the Substantive and Operational Principles for Human Rights Due Diligence of the Ombudsman's Office, which are the first document of a public entity in Latin America that establishes that "human rights due diligence" by companies is mandatory and not voluntary( See also
- In 2014, he co-authored the National Inspector General's Directive No. 001 of March 25, 2014 on the adoption of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, becoming the first legal instrument in Latin America where an oversight body provides guidelines and orientations on how to ensure the State's duty to protect human rights (See
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Bogotá, Colombia