our programs
Why do I need Human Rights Due Diligence?
Since the creation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011, more and more stakeholders have been monitoring companies' compliance with human rights, not only within their own operations, but also in relation to adverse impacts they may be linked to through their value chain. Buyers, banks and investors may face legal and reputational risks due to their suppliers' human rights impacts.

Therefore, demonstrating compliance with international human rights due diligence standards is not only the morally correct thing to do, but it allows companies to adequately manage their risks and increases their competitivity with funding and market access advantages over competitors that do not yet have their due diligence processes in place.

Humane-Biz Programs
Why Humane-Biz
Humane-Biz is the first and only global initiative designed with direct support of SMEs belonging to some of the main economic sectors in Latin America, to provide human rights due diligence consulting and advisory services to SMEs in regions such as ours, in compliance with the most demanding international standards and at highly affordable prices for small and medium-sized companies in developing countries. This is a social impact startup designed by SMEs in Latin America, for SMEs worldwide.
We offer payment facilities in low monthly installments with on-line payment by credit card. In addition, we have weekly support sessions and direct advice through virtual platforms through virtual platforms, which ensure an adequate understanding and implementation of each phase of the process, designed to be completed annually in a maximum period of 12 months and an average of 4, depending on the dynamics of each company.
Additionally, companies that complete the process will receive the HUMANE-BIZ HUMAN RIGHTS EMBLEM, which may be used for a one-year period on all your products, pages and social networks.

Humane-Biz SME and Suppliers Program

Increasingly, global buyers, banks, workers and other stakeholders demand that suppliers, including SMEs, demonstrate their respect for human rights. Due to the growing global adherence to international standards, buyer companies around the world are being required to ensure that their suppliers comply with human rights respect, or else their status and continuity as suppliers may be affected.
Therefore, demonstrating respect for human rights increases your competitiveness. This is why demonstrating respect for human rights increases your competitiveness, giving you an advantage over competitors that do not yet have it, securing your status as a supplier, opening up access to new markets and financing possibilities by reducing the risk of contagion from adverse impacts on your rights as a supplier.
However, until the creation of Humane-Biz there were no consulting or advisory solutions aimed at suppliers, especially SMEs, in human rights due diligence.
With more than 5 years of experience advising major companies in Latin America, the United States and Europe on human rights due diligence according to the standards of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines and Guides, LH Law & Consulting and Equilibre Consultores bring you this program at very affordable prices thanks to its technological platform, to provide consultancy to SMEs and suppliers, so that they can demonstrate to all their stakeholders the respect for human rights according to the most demanding international standards.
If you are a large company located anywhere in the world that is just getting started on the path of human rights due diligence, don't worry, you can also become a Humane-Biz Company.
Full consulting service from as low as USD$31 per month.
Humane-Biz Sponsor Company Program
A growing number of legal actions brought before national, international, and foreign jurisdictions, as well as newspaper articles and social media trends, have dramatically boosted the number of companies from all economic sectors that have adhered to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
However, the requirement to assess and manage the risks not only represented by a company's own operations but also within its value chain, has proved to be a challenge to comply with due to the complexity of assessing impacts in extended value chains, especially when several of the suppliers are SMEs located in regions such as Latin America.
Even for companies that manage to carry out complete risk mappings within their chains, the response to supplier human rights impacts, in many cases, has been to eliminate companies as suppliers due to the difficulty of supporting and empowering them to implement their own human rights due diligence process in compliance with international standards.

This is why Humane-Biz offers the Program. For the incredible amount of USD $999, you can become a Humane-Biz Human Rights Sponsor Company, promoting the performance of due diligence processes by members of your value chain. With this, your company will be able to manage in a precise manner its associated value chain risks after obtaining an accurate mapping of human rights risks found within its chain, and acquiring the recognition as a company that promotes and empowers human rights respect by SMEs, simultaneously furthering the rights of thousands of people in its countries of operation.
Become a Sponsor Company for only USD $999.
Humane-Biz is brought to you by:

LH Law & Consulting LLC
7901 4th St. N STE 11494
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Equilibre Consultants
Bogotá, Colombia