Obtain a Complete Value Chain Impact Assessment

What does this Humane-Biz solution consist of?

One of the most challenging requirements in international human rights and business standards, such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, as well as international regulatory standards such as the EU Proposed Directive and the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, is to conduct an Impact Assessment and adopt risk prevention and mitigation strategies not only in the company's own operations, but also within its value chain. 


Companies in the United States, Europe or the world with extended chains, with hundreds of suppliers in regions such as Latin America, many of them SMEs, face an enormous challenge when it comes to mapping the risks that exist in their chain completely and accurately, going beyond identifying generic risks by economic and geographic sector or country and already materialized risks.


Therefore, Humane-Biz presents you with a powerful tool that allows your company to accurately identify the risks of adverse human rights impacts within value chains, based on the results of individual Impact Assessments conducted by suppliers or business partners within the Humane-Biz SME Program.


Unlike other popular initiatives around the world, our tool is well accepted by suppliers due to its affordable price for SMEs in regions such as Latin America, and Humane-Biz's commitment to not reveal to which company each risk corresponds to, due to the confidentiality commitment we offer our clients, including SMEs. In this way, they will not be afraid of identifying impacts for fear of being eliminated as suppliers, and, on the contrary, they will seek to do so so so that Humane-Biz can support them with its toolbox to prevent, mitigate and/or remediate their actual or potential risks. 

How much does the Value Chain Impact Assessment Report cost?

The Value Chain Impact Assessment is carried out by Humane-Biz experts by compiling information on the actual and potential risks of adverse impacts identified in the Humane-Biz SME Program Impact Assessments. 


Therefore, the price of the Report will depend on how many suppliers and/or affiliates are participating in the SME and Supplier Humane-Biz Program:

Level 1 Supply Chain

For Sponsor Companies with between 1 and 100 suppliers to be assessed.

USD $3,000

Level 2 Supply Chain

For Sponsor Companies with between 100 and 1000 suppliers to be assessed. 

USD $5,000

Level 3 Supply Chain

For Sponsor Companies with more than 1000 suppliers to be assessed.

USD $10,000

How do I acquire this solution?

Once you have enrolled in the Humane-Biz Sponsor Company Program, please express your interest to your account manager or email us at [email protected].

Demonstrate your commitment as a human rights promoter.

Become a Humane-Biz Sponsor Company!

Humane-Biz is brought to you by:

LH Law & Consulting LLC

7901 4th St. N STE 11494

St. Petersburg, FL 33702



[email protected]


Equilibre Consultants

Bogotá, Colombia


[email protected]
