News & Opinions
Georgetown University Human Rights Institute publishes article on law school alumna Tatiana Londoño Camargo and her work in Humane-Biz
LH Law & Consulting and Equilibre Consultores Launch Humane-Biz

June 23, 2023
In an event held jointly with Grupo Éxito as the first Pioneer Sponsor Company of the Humane-Biz project, and with the participation of one of our Pilot SMEs, Equilibria Agro, LH Law & Consulting and Equilibre Consultores were proud to launch this social impact startup, which comes to revolutionize the area of human rights and business by allowing them to provide specialized services of the highest quality to SMEs and suppliers in human rights due diligence, in compliance with the main international standards of the United Nations, the OECD and proposed legislation for the European Union.
Companies around the world can now, for a supremely affordable price, become Sponsor Companies and give Humane-Biz the opportunity to empower their suppliers located in English or Spanish-speaking countries to conduct their own human rights due diligence processes.
Jose Gómez participated in the meeting "Human Rights and Business: towards a sustainable and just economic transition", held in Cartagena (Colombia).

June 16, 2023
Jose Gómez was part of the panel "The duty of States to protect human rights", together with representatives of the National Government of Peru, the Provincial Government of Salta (Argentina), CERALC-ILO, ILO and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The event was a space for dialogue and debate in which the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) could contribute their reflections on the challenges shared and reflected in the common agendas between the European Union and LAC. In particular, it discussed ways to strengthen the construction and consolidation of public policies on human rights and business in the region.

Jose Gómez participated as a guest at the Diploma in "Negotiation, Mediation and Prevention of Business-State-Community Conflicts".
June 16, 2023
Within the framework of this diploma course, Jose Gómez led the session "Corporate Social Responsibility in the 21st Century and the Business and Human Rights Approach in Latin America", co-led with Fernanda Hopenhaym, representative for Latin America of the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights. The session addressed the issue of corporate responsibility and the role of the Business and Human Rights agenda.
Tatiana Londoño participated as a guest speaker in the "Virtual Conversatory: Compliance in Public Administration and Good Administrative Practices" held by the District Legal Secretariat of the Office of the Mayor of Bogota.
June 8, 2023
During the session, Dr. Londoño presented the importance of advancing, as part of compliance management, solid human rights due diligence processes as a tool for managing disciplinary risks and state responsibility on the part of public and mixed-economy companies.
Click on the image to access the recording of the event on YouTube.
José Fernando Gómez and Tatiana Londoño participated as panelists in the LexisNexis Summit 2023 for Latin America on Fraud and Compliance that took place in the city of Cartagena.

June 1, 2023
The panel in which Humane-Biz partners participated was "The new look of due diligence and its impact on the prevention of financial crimes". At the event, they discussed why human rights due diligence is critical as a tool for risk management and compliance in the financial sector. Click here here for more details about the event.

Tatiana Londoño Camargo was invited to participate in a session of the International Law Committee of the New York City Bar to speak on Human Rights and Business.
May 17, 2023
Tatiana Londoño made a presentation on "The Proper Implementation of Due Diligence as an Essential Element for Corporate Legal and Reputational Risk Management".
Tatiana Londoño and José Fernando Gómez presented to the Colombian-American Chamber of Commerce, AmCham, "The Challenges of Human Rights Due Diligence in the Value Chain for Companies in Latin America".

April 19, 2023
The presentation, which was made to a joint session of the Legal and Sustainability Committees, was the first time that Humane-Biz was presented as a solution to the critical supply chain issue for U.S. companies operating in the region.
Tatiana Londoño participated as a panelist in an event organized by the Centro de Estudios Procesales "CEDEP".
April 29, 2023
Tatiana Londoño participated in the CEDEP event "ESG (ESG) Due Diligence in Colombia: why it is important in 2023 and what is being done", moderated by Juan David Barbosa.
Click on the image to watch the video recording on YouTube.

Tatiana Londoño and Jose Gómez participated in the Tirant Lo Blanch and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Diploma in Human Rights and Business as module professors.
March to June 2023
Tatiana and Jose were invited to teach several modules of the Diploma. Tatiana also gave the closing lecture of the course: "Trends and Prospective Developments in Corporate Due Diligence in Latin America and the World".

Tatiana Londoño, partner of Humane-Biz, participated today as a guest speaker at the Human Rights Roundtable of Global Compact Colombia.
March 28, 2023
Tatiana Londoño gave a presentation on Human Rights Risk Management to more than 50 member companies of the Global Compact Colombia.
November, 2019
At the United Nations Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights held in Geneva (Switzerland) in November 2019, Jose Gomez participated on behalf of the Universidad Javeriana (Bogota) as a panelist in the panel "Regulating businesses in contexts of conflict and occupation : whatmore is needed?", together with colleagues from the universities of Wageningen (Netherlands), Essex (UK), Copenhagen (Denmark) and from the Syrian Legal Development Department and the NGO GreenAdvocates .
This panel discussed the particular risks posed to companies operating in conflict-affected areas and the potential for States (and companies) to proactively and adequately manage those risks, as well as the challenges of remediation for individuals and communities affected by armed conflict. Jose's intervention focused on the context of the signing and post peace agreement with the FARC in Colombia and the institutional scheme that was presented at that time, whose objective is to select those most responsible for human rights violations and breaches of IHL, in order to ensure investigation, prosecution and punishment, and the role that representatives of companies that were linked to these rights violations can have.
November, 2021
Ms. Londoño gave a lecture at the XVI Industrial Congress in Guatemala on "Protect, Respect and Remedy: the United Nations Business and Human RightsFramework".
Click on the image to see the video of his speech.
April 27, 2021
Tatiana Londoño participated as a panelist in the webinar "Un Café con la Constitución: los Estudiantes Javerianos se Toman la Palabra" (A Coffee with the Constitution: Javeriana Students Take the Floor) in order to discuss the announced problems. Ms. Londoño intervened as a fellow panelist of former Minister of Justice Juan Carlos Esguerra Portocarrero and former Attorney General of the Nation, Nestor Humberto Martinez Neira.
Click on the image to see the video of the event.
Tatiana Londoño participates as a panelist in Webinar on "The Impact on the Fundamental Rights of the Media to face the Pandemic".
April 28, 2020
The event was broadcast by the Xaverian Forum in collaboration with the Xaverian Bar Association.
Click on the image to access the recording of the event.
September, 2021
In September 2021, Jose Gomez participated as a guest speaker and expert on corporate sustainability issues, in the panel "Sustainable Labor Management" in the framework of the Labor Summit 2021 "The new reality: navigating the present and building the future of work in Colombia", organized by ACRIP, focusing his intervention on the challenges of the pandemic in the human talent of companies and new trends associated with telework and decent work standards. Click on the image for more information about the event.
September, 2022.
Between 2017 and 2019, José Gómez led the adoption of the first line of public policy at the municipal level in Latin America on Business and Human Rights: the "Roadmap on Business and Human Rights in Santiago de Cali", as a leading advisor to the Mayor's Office of Cali, a process in which 19 business actors participated and voluntarily adhered: ANDI Valle del Cauca, ACOPI Valle, ACRIP Valle, Cámara Colombiana de la Infraestructura-Suroccidente, Colombina, Riopaila Castilla, Carvajal Empaques, Hoteles Spiwak, Calzatodo, Plasticaucho, Reckitt Benckiser, Ingredion, Fortox S.A., Colgate Palmolive, Emcali, EMRU, Metro Cali, Fundación Valle del Lili (See
September 30, 2019.
The article was published in the book "Derechos Humanos y Empresas y Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Reflexiones y Diálogos", edited by Ricardo Abello Galvis and Walter Arévalo Ramírez, of the Editorial Center of the Universidad del Rosario and is available here.
It was the result of the paper "The Company: New Subject of Public International Law?" presented by ms. Londoño at the First Congress of International Law of the Universidad del Rosario..
"Latin American Experiences on Business and Human Rights Remedies," Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Gloabl Business and Human Rights Scholars Association, Latin America (2022). See
February 24, 2022
Tatiana Londoño was interviewed as a human rights and international law expert on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Click on the image to see the interview.
April 4, 2022
Tatiana Londoño was interviewed as an expert on the effects of the Massacre that occurred in Bucha, Ukraine, at the hands of the invading Russian forces under international law.
Click on the image to listen to the interview.
April 1, 2022
Tatiana Londoño participates in the debate of Red+'s opinion program, Zona Franca, as an expert in human rights and international law analyzing Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Click on the image to see the debate.
March 20, 2018
Jose Fernando Gómez participated in his capacity as Advisor to the Secretary of Peace and Citizen Culture of the Mayor's Office of Santiago de Cali in the Panel "Challenges of business and human rights policy in the different Colombian regions".
Tatiana Londoño participated in the panel "Due diligence and value chain: the role of law" with the presentation "Due Diligence and Value Chain in the Armed Conflict".
The proceedings of the Forum were published in the book "Memorias Foro: Retorias y Desafíos de Empresas y Derechos Humanos.Memorias Foro: Retos y Desafíos de las Empresas y los Derechos Humanos.".
In October 2021, Jose Gómez participated as moderator of the panel "Good practices in sustainability in Colombian family compensation funds", within the framework of the XXII Seminar of Normative Update "Challenges of family compensation funds in the post pandemic", organized by the Superintendence of Family Subsidies, where the main advances, as well as challenges and challenges of corporate sustainability for family compensation funds were presented. The panel was attended by sustainability managers or directors of different compensation funds from various regions of the country.
In March 2015, as manager of the Integrated Management System and Sustainable Development of Empresa de Energía de Bogotá (GEB), he participated in the II Ibero-American Dialogue of Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability Managers with a lecture on "Sustainability from theBoard of Directors". In this intervention, he presented the company's progress in terms of guidelines and multi-stakeholder spaces on Human Rights; the role of internal audits and their focus on impact prevention; the change in the conception of sustainable management by the Board of Directors: the higher the position, the more responsibilities and ethical burden; and the priority issues in the relationship with the stakeholders of this multi-Latin company.
Sign up for our Humane-Biz Programs and demonstrate to your stakeholders your commitment to respect Human Rights.
We are a social impact startup designed to provide consulting through our technology platform, at extremely affordable prices, to SMEs and supplier companies in the US, Latin America and around the world.
Humane-Biz is brought to you by:

LH Law & Consulting LLC
7901 4th St. N STE 11494
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Equilibre Consultants
Bogotá, Colombia